Dunn Family Foundation
The mission of the Dunn Family Foundation is to support programs that use education to build a better society and employ innovative approaches to the use of testing and support materials for educational initiatives. The work of the Dunn Family Foundation expresses the values of its founders, teachers Lloyd and Leota M. Dunn, who believed that education is a prime vehicle for the betterment of society. Their belief was that excellence in testing allows educational assets to be employed most efficiently and that professional materials support the teachers in their educational environment. In 2020, the president of the Dunn Family Foundation was Douglas M. Dunn, the only child of the founders.
The Dunn Family Foundation, a supporter of UNLV since 2016, made a substantial pledge in 2017 to establish and support the Dunn Family Chair in Educational Assessment Fund in the UNLV College of Education. The fund provided support for a senior tenured faculty member to focus their research on improving educational assessment.
Lloyd Dunn was the founding author of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), which was developed in the 1960s. It is in its 4th revision and is still widely used.
Douglas Dunn holds a doctorate in statistics and business. In addition to working in the family business, he also worked at AT&T, and served as dean of the former Graduate School of Industrial Administration, now known as the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. He retired to Las Vegas with his wife Karen.