Edward D. Smith
Edward D. Smith moved to Las Vegas in 1950 and became a local business owner and co-founder of Smith-Christensen Enterprises, LLC. The firm has had diverse business interests including retail stores, metal recycling, automotive, landfill and disposal operations, and fast food restaurants. He is also one of the four original partners of Sun Pacific Farming and Shippers and has served on its board of directors. Edward also served as the corporate secretary on the board of American Bank of Commerce for 15 years, until their merger with First Security Corporation in 1997.
Edward attended Mt. San Antonio College, American College of Life Underwriters, and Bryn Mawr. And he has been active in the Las Vegas community. His community involvement has included serving on the board of directors of the Boulder Dam Area Council of Boy Scouts, the advisory board of the Salvation Army, the Clark County Citizens Committee of Cost Reduction, and the advisory council for BYU Hawaii. Active in his church, as well, Edward has held multiple positions in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In 2008, he received the “Distinguished Nevadan” award from UNLV. In 2012, he received the College of Fine Arts Dean’s Medal for his donation of the UNLV pipe organ, made in memory of his deceased wife, Maurine Jackson Smith. He and Maurine were married 43 years. Together, they raised three children.
Edward remarried in 2000 to Shauna Hadley. In 2014, he and Shauna established the Edward and Shauna Smith Nursing Scholarship and funded the Nursing Student Services Fund.