The UNLV Foundation Annual Dinner - Celebrating the sprit of philanthropy

$25,000 — Elite Sponsorship

Fair market value of benefits received is $3,000

Reserve a table for 10 with elite placement at the front of the ballroom. This sponsorship level includes a photo opportunity with the event speaker*, an invitation to the cocktail reception for all guests, premium wines, recognition in the commemorative program, a banner ad on**, a special gift for each guest, and public recognition post-event.

*Due to timing, photos will be limited to one per Elite Sponsorship table.

**Ad size in pixels for website: Elite Level 5275w x 2167h

<!–Purchase your table by clicking this link.–>

<!–Once you’ve gathered all the names of your table guests, you may submit them by clicking this link.–>

$12,500 — Loyal Sponsorship

Fair market value of benefits received is $3,000

Reserve a table for 10 with premium placement in the ballroom. This sponsorship level includes an invitation to the cocktail reception for all guests, recognition in the commemorative program, a banner ad on*, a special gift for each guest, and public recognition post-event.

*Ad size in pixels for website: Loyal Level 2167w x 2167h

<!–Purchase your table by clicking this link.–>

<!–Once you’ve gathered all the names of your table guests, you may submit them by clicking this link.–>

$7,500 — Supporter Sponsorship

Fair market value of benefits received is $3,000

Reserve a table for 10 with the preferred placement in the ballroom. This sponsorship level includes an invitation to the cocktail reception for all guests, recognition in the commemorative program, recognition on*, a special gift for each guest, and public recognition post-event.

*Ad size in pixels for website: Supporter Level 2167w x 1083h

<!–Purchase your table by clicking this link.–>

<!–Once you’ve gathered all the names of your table guests, you may submit them by clicking this link.–>

$5,000 — Table Sponsorship

Fair market value of benefits received is $3,000

Reserve a table for 10 in the ballroom. This sponsorship level includes an invitation to the cocktail reception for all guests, recognition in the commemorative program, recognition on, and a special gift for each guest.

<!–Purchase your table by clicking this link.–>

<!–Once you’ve gathered all the names of your table guests, you may submit them by clicking this link.–>